
magentae LAU 1244 Sierra de la Paila, Coahuila, Mexico 1600-2200m
This is the nice pink/magenta flowering form of C. laui.
The flowers last briefly,
they are fully expanded at high noon (if in brilliant sunlight),
and wilt after only an hour or two. They bloom from April through
Description: This variety is very similar to the type species, with
the exception of magenta (Hence the name) flowers and
slightly different skin and spination colour.
Flowers: Ranging from pale pink to rich magenta-red.
Cultivation: In cultivation
it is quite sensitive to over-watering (rot prone), and needs good
drainage. Keep drier in winter. Like other species from the USA. it
blooms quite early, but needs about 8-10 years to reach the typical,
definite outlook. It needs full sun; and is hardy to -16° C or less for
short periods of time
Propagation: Offsets (seldom available) or by
seeds. |

Cactaceae (Cactus
Coryphantha magentae
(sometime misspelled "C. magenta")
Scientific name: Coryphantha
pseudoechinus subsp. laui
(Bremer) Dicht & A. Luthy comb.et stat.nov.
In: Cact. Syst. Init. 1 1: 20, 2001.
Origin: Mexico (Coahuila, Sierra de la Paila, 1600-2200 m. )
Field number: Lau 1244
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
Common Names include: Sea-urchin cactus, rhinoceros
cactus, Prickly Beehive Cactus

It is a very nice plant also without flowers for its beautiful
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of
plants belonging to the
Coryphantha pseudoechinus
has lots of synonyms
like many other cacti) whit several controversial varieties and subspecies
and comprises a multitude of different forms, but where each form
is linked to others by populations of plants with intermediate